
What Color is Your Egg?

What Color is Your Egg?

Do you ever wonder which color egg comes from each of our hens? Our girls produce a rainbow basket for us that is just as colorful as their feathers. Although the color level of eggs sometimes varies, the egg color a hen lays remains consistent throughout her life. Sometimes you’ll see extra spots or ombré effects, other times the shape or size will be a little different. The egg is coated with a bloom that provides color, but also a protective barrier against bacteria.


Amelia is our only white layer so her eggs are just as unique as her!


Our 3 Easter Eggers all lay green eggs and although we try to tell them apart (by shape) unless we consult the cameras for a single light green/teal egg in the nest, we can’t be certain.


Olive, the Olive Egger lays these beautiful olive green eggs. Sometimes they look mossier than olive, especially when they are freckled!


Our Black Copper Marans, Willow, lays the darkest brown eggs in the bunch. Her eggs should be a tad more uniform, but we do love those speckles! Sometimes her eggs are light, resembling Gerty’s, but that’s when we know that the smaller, rounder eggs are Willow’s.


Gerty’s eggs are a warm brown and nearly always speckled! They don’t always have a true egg shape, but are among the taller eggs found in the carton.


The large, round soft brown eggs? Those are laid by Vera. She’s been known to lay double yolked eggs and at their size, it’s not a shock. On lucky days, there will be splatters of slightly darker pigment on the shell.


No, those aren’t torpedos in the carton…those are eggs laid by Dahlia! Her smaller, light brown eggs are quite adorable.


Poppy has eggs similar to color as Dahlia, but hers are very round! Hers will be the smallest egg in the group so we recommend using them for eating rather than baking.


If you’re keeping count- that’s only 10 hens. Our 11th, Queen Nettie is currently on an egg break so you won't see any of her eggs in the carton. She’s focused on finding treats for her friends to make sure those yolks stay bright and golden.

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