
Getting Closer

Getting Closer

As the Ladies have started to return up the hut throughout the day we realized it was getting closer to egg time! The laying boxes were placed back in their coop, along with a few fake eggs as to indicate that it is a great place to lay eggs. Miss Mae loves checking the space out. In 15-20 minute intervals.

Chickie Daddy (whom unfortunately is out of town for the month) decided to set the video surveillance notifications on for whenever there’s motion. Every time one of our girls walks in. Every now and then Vera and Gerty will join in the fun, but for the most part the footage is the same with Mae peaking into the hut then moving towards the box. This past weekend, Nettie was also spotted making the trip up to the hut but given that she's just 15 weeks old we're pretty sure she's suffering from FOMO (Fear of Missing Out).

With all the reading I've done it was nice to see that ALL the books were right- the maturing hen plays house spending time in the box, squatting and shuffling bedding around. Mae is just a text book example now that she can be seen doing her squats and sitting in the box for a short length of time. Every now and then right before she's about to head back down to the run, she'll hop up on the perch and look straight into the camera, tilting her head at her nosy parents.

As for our other OG? Miss Amelia hasn't been up the ramp once during the day. Between her nighttime song if they're still free ranging when the bedtime parade beings and general lack of interest in listening to her biology I'm still nervous that our Amelia is a Mel. Of course maybe due to her breed she's just on her own schedule, but she's our only white layer so it would be nice to have that mixed in our basket AND confirm her name.

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EggWatch 2018 Updates

Summer Time Snacking

Summer Time Snacking