
And Then There Was One...

September is settling in and the shorter days paired with decline of the garden hints towards the impending doom of another Midwest winter. Of course September also marks the month when Chickie Daddy and Chickie Momma had their first date, the anniversary of when Nico Neek's found a home, Chickie Momma's crazy month at work, and now, the month Miss Ada laid her first egg!

With Ada's 1st egg solidifying the Chickie Parent's confidence they did in fact end up with all hens, there's one lone Lady of SoBro who is:

Not 100% confirmed female (although between appearance, lack of crowing, and squatting the Chickie Parents are confident they will be popping the chilled champagne with the success of all 6 chicks' genders being properly identified upon hatching- even with only 90% certainty from hatchery).


Coming up a little short with her monthly room and board. (Believe it or not we’re trying to instill a good work ethic in these girls and trying to let this one know she can’t get along alone on her looks).

Come on Miss Amelia, we’re dying to see what sort of adorable white eggs you’ll be laying for us!



Tour de Coops

Tour de Coops

August Round Up

August Round Up