
Exploring the Coop

Exploring the Coop

The Ladies of SoBro are growing, growing, growing! Their fluffy chick fuzz has given way to smooth and sleek feathers scatter among awkward bald spots with pin feathers. With the sounds of squawks and flaps coming from the brooder, we understood why their sitters let them take laps around the kitchen island. Feeling sorry for our pollos locos, Chickie Daddy built the girls a play pen to let them stretch their wings and hop around.

With a few days of sunshine finally warming things up outside, the chickies headed outside to kick some of their winter boredom and explore their future home. Granted it's in the driveway, but there were still plenty of items to peck and explore: pebbles, seed pods, sticks. Intimidated by the ramp, it took some encouraging to get them to the house but once Chickie Daddy gave them some light they settled right down...for about 5 minutes.

The ladies were curious about all the wild birds singing, chirping, and trilling in the trees above them and even chirped back a time or two. They enjoyed running around in their run while us classy Chickie Parents sat on chairs in the driveway watching every precious little moment. The testing of foods also continued with a retest of spinach (they prefer to run around with the leaf) and the new trials of green beans, bell peppers, carrots and parsley. Although the carrot top provided entertainment for all of them, Nettie actually stopped playing with food and inhaled the parsley. Inhaled, as in there one second, gone the next. 



Miss Ada

Miss Ada

Miss Gerty

Miss Gerty