
First Overnight in Coop

First Overnight in Coop

This past week with the temperatures acceptable for the Chickies to be outside (and reducing the stink in my house), the decision to leave them outside overnight in the coop has been weighing heavily on my mind.

Will they squawk all night? How will they react to the rain storm? Are the Littles really outside ready? I can't have their first night be outside without Chickie Daddy present! Am I ready to run the risk of them being attacked? My neighbors wouldn't come in my yard...would they? The stench isn't really that bad. I can wait a little longer...right?

To complicate matters, our next duo of Chickie Sitters come over this weekend for their tutorial on Chickie Care. This prompted Chickie Daddy and I to seriously consider the exit strategy for the girls to avoid chicken transportation in and out of the house. Paired with combating brooder boredom which could lead to scuffles and injury, our night out turned into chicken discussion. Sometime between the local craft beverage tasting and the bottom of the 9th it had been decided that when we arrived home they would be moved from their brooder to the coop.

For me, it was the fact I was in the light rain and even with the breeze my bare arms I wasn't freezing.

Okay, okay, fine. I'll be honest.

When you have 6 nearly grown chickens cooped up in a 50 gallon container for 75% of the day due to your schedule it's border line cruelty. Factor in the fact that no matter how clean you try to keep it, a full launch assault on your nose is inevitable the second you open the room. But that coop. That lovely, lovely coop with a fully enclosed space. All that lawn to explore, peck, and poop on. A box with bedding, ample perch space, and sisters to keep you warm?

Pack your bags girlies- I want my craft room back!

So we did it. We sealed off the ramp, placed each girl in the hut (despite the looks being given), said 'goodnight,' and opened the window to listen for any protests. Our little chickies just chirped their sweet good nights and returned to sleep.

Apart from one nightmare where I discovered all 6 injured, I too managed to sleep through the night being woken up by the birdies that call my yard home chirping their morning songs. The girls on the other hand, kept sleeping, even through their normal wake up since it was cozy and dark in their hut....until the Chickie Parents disrupted their sleep to document their first night with a flash photo (and treats).

Chickie parenting success! Now  getting their room aired out, cleaned up, and back to looking like it did prior to their arrival? That may not be as easy.



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