
Girls Go Free Ranging

Girls Go Free Ranging

Summer time in Indy this year has meant buckets of rain or hot, muggy, & buggy days- neither being conducive for long lengths of time spent in the yard to allow for proper free ranging time. Very much aware of the presence of each other and with more curiousity than aggression, Chickie Parents pressed with time opted to let the two cohorts free range together.

12 chickens together is a beautiful sight even when they decide for a split second to work together in scratching up one of the only accessible flowerbeds. Equally intriguing, but not as soothing, is watching the interspersed cohorts suddenly realizing they are integrated and then watch them separate in a flash.

Cohort 1 only had a few aggressive moves for their little sisters, but overall didn’t seem to mind them much attention unless they were competition for zuchinni scattered in the lawn. Amelia, our ever social party girl and who is quickly becoming smaller than some of cohort 2, kept trying to go socialize with the (not so) babies and they’d run away. Even when Chickie Momma could get her a little closer to check things out, they moved their pack away.

Moving Day

Moving Day

Indy 500 Ladies of SoBro Style

Indy 500 Ladies of SoBro Style