
Diaries of a House Chicken Part 1: The Leaking Chicken

Diaries of a House Chicken Part 1: The Leaking Chicken

Poppy out of the blue started to bob her head up and down in a way similar to a cat getting ready to expel a hairball (or grass as often is the case in our house). The action became more frequent and was accompanied with very swollen chest (crop) that felt somewhat like a water ballon. When the Chickie Parents made an early early morning coop visit Thursday, her crop was fuller than her sisters despite nearly 12 hours of fasting. By the second day of things not being quite normal, inquires were sent to other chicken people and the reference books consulted to see what should be done.

An early Saturday morning visit to the coop quickly made it apparent that a vet visit was required, especially when the pressure of picking her up resulting in an overflow- a dangerous symptom due to the high risk of asphyxiation.

Ready for a chicken fact? Chickens can’t vomit. Stuff can come out, but they can’t vomit.

Her Monday appointment was swapped to an emergency appointment and a very peckish and feisty Poppy communicated her unhappiness about being away from her sisters and even more discontent about being without food or water. Between being examined and trying to peck anything that may be food, she helped type her medical record and also provided answers the questions being asked. We were sent home with instructions to keep the fast up through Monday morning with very limited water in hope that the crop would clear for diagnostic tests on Monday.

By early afternoon her crop had mostly cleared and the captive in a makeshift holding cell (a pop up octagon often used by her Chihuahua brother) had clearly reached her I’m bored mark. How would you know that? Well, you walk into the room and realize she’s walking around the room- that’s how.

So then because you feel sorry for her, you set up her camp in the living room where the afternoon sun streaming in the window. 3….2….1….FLAT Chicken success! Give a chicken sunshine and they will melt into the ground and soak it up. With the cats monitoring her, a text was sent to the expected company to warn that there was a chicken camp in the living room.

Taking a break to soak up some sunshine

Taking a break to soak up some sunshine

Saturday evening was slow to be arrive and frequent checks on the coop were made to see if they had gone to sleep yet so the bedroom light could be switched off to signal Poppy it was time to sleep. Of course even when she had been tucked in for the night, she had to check on her with a few little clucks because that’s what Chickie Mommas do no matter how strong the eye rolling from Chickie Daddies are.

Diaries of a House Chicken Part 2: Cabin Fever

Diaries of a House Chicken Part 2: Cabin Fever

And the winner is...

And the winner is...