
Spring is Coming

Spring is Coming

Despite the calendar showing spring is in under a month, the ever changing temps, negative wind chill, and winter mix falling from the sky makes it tough to believe we’re nearly over the worst season.

Confused daffodil and crocus bulbs have been reaching upward out of the frozen ground towards the sun only to be shocked by a freeze. Squirrels, desperate in the search for food claw through screened patios to investigate chicken feed (true story). Little song birds are slowly returning to the bare branches in search of meal worms or forgotten scratch grain. 

Two things that these chicken owners have noticed: later bed times and egg production. The ladies have been slowly delaying their bedtimes for weeks which when paired with realizing you’re only leaving in the dark, not returning allows for a post-work chicken detox as they free range at the end of the day. Cold? You bet! Maybe that’s why this Chickie Momma prefers the other sign that spring is on its way- nesting boxes that hold more real eggs than the decoys.

Celebrating 1st Hatch Days

Chickie #7

Chickie #7